
:: 2025-01-13

Snytbaggar och andra vivlar skadar planterad björk

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:: 2024-06-25

Effekter av torka och snytbaggeskador på plantor med olika beläggningsskydd

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:: 2024-06-09

Skyddsåtgärder mot snytbagge fungerar även mot bastborrar

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:: 2024-05-14

Ny doktorsavhandling om plantors försvar mot snytbagge

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:: 2024-04-19

Aktuell statistik från Skogsstyrelsen om levererade skogsplantor 2023

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:: 2024-01-30

Kort historik om hur beläggningsskydden ersatt insekticiderna

Presentation vid SLU Skogskadecentrums årskonferens
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:: 2023-12-10

Ny planteringsmaskin som inversmarkbereder

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:: 2023-10-20

Slutgiltigt stopp för kemiska medel mot snytbagge

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:: 2023-10-02

Ny skyddsbehandling mot snytbaggeangrepp för barrotsplantor

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:: 2023-06-21

Ny forskning som kan förbättra granarnas försvar mot snytbaggar

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:: 2023-04-14

Levererade skogsplantor 2022 – statistik från Skogsstyrelsen

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:: 2023-04-11

Antalet snytbaggar kan inte förutsäga kommande skador på barrträdsplantor

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:: 2022-09-30

Aska skyddar plantor mot snytbaggen

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:: 2022-05-16

Ny finsk studie av Conniflex-skyddade plantor och högläggning

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:: 2022-04-10

Skogsstyrelsens plantstatistik för 2021

Av 450 miljoner levererade barrträdsplantor hade 52 % icke-kemiskt skydd, 3 % kemiskt skydd och 45 % ingen skyddsbehandling mot snytbagge
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:: 2022-01-17

Föryngringskollen – nytt projekt om plantöverlevnad

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:: 2021-11-23

God effekt av beläggningsskydd efter två år

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:: 2021-11-17

Plantor av barrträd kan bli bättre på självförsvar

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:: 2021-10-27

Ny doktorsavhandling om växtförsvar mot snytbaggen

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:: 2021-04-26

Principiellt viktigt domslut: insekticid mot snytbagge godkänns ej eftersom icke-kemiska alternativ är etablerade

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:: 2021-04-09

Skogsstyrelsens plantrapport för 2020

Andelen kemiskt behandlade plantor nu nere i 3 %
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:: 2021-03-15

Kan inblandning av lövträdsplantor minska snytbaggens skador på barrträdsplantor?

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Summary in English with focus on associational effects >>>

:: 2021-01-20

Metyljasmonat skyddar plantor i över ett år

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:: 2020-12-14

Åke Lindelöw får KSLA:s silvermedalj för hans sätt att förklara om insekter i skogen

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:: 2020-11-10

Snytbaggen känslig för bakteriepreparat som används för myggbekämpning

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:: 2020-10-30

Hög kvalitet på skogsföryngringarna enligt Skogsstyrelsens inventeringar

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:: 2020-06-18

Inverkan av beläggningskydd på skogsplantors tillväxt

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:: 2020-04-30

Bastborreskador på skyddade och oskyddade plantor i södra Sverige

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:: 2020-04-16

Plantstatistik från Skogsstyrelsen för 2019

Andelen insekticidbehandlade barrträdsplantor nere i 12 %
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:: 2020-03-30

Eteriska oljor från kryddväxter hindrar snytbaggars gnag

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:: 2020-03-18

Beläggningsskydd ger fullgott skydd mot snytbagge

Preliminära resultat från storskalig, praktisk studie
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:: 2020-02-27

Tidningen Skogen uppmärksammar Kristina Wallertz

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:: 2020-01-27

Finsk avhandling om snytbaggar och stubbskörd

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:: 2019-12-16

Göran Nordlander går i pension

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:: 2019-11-14

50 miljoner investeras i anläggning för produktion av SE-plantor

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Se även om SE-plantor och snytbaggeskador >>>

:: 2019-11-11

Medel för forskning om plantor och föryngring finns att söka

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:: 2019-08-30

Dubbel nytta av metyljasmonat (MeJA) i plantskolan?

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:: 2019-07-30

Beläggningsskydden Hylonox och Woodcoat granskade i examensarbete

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:: 2019-06-04

SSP bygger sin fjärde Conniflex-anläggning

Ger plantor för Norrland och Nordisk export
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:: 2019-05-09

Risken för skador av snytbagge i södra Europa

Ny studie av spanska och svenska forskare
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:: 2019-04-23

Conniflex-behandlade plantor av Douglasgran exporteras till Tyskland

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:: 2019-04-10

Produktion av skogsplantor 2018

Rapport från Skogsstyrelsen som även redovisar plantskydd
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:: 2019-04-09

Stopp för insekticidbehandlade plantor inom PEFC efter 2019

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:: 2019-03-26

Svenska Skogsplantor slutar helt med kemisk plantbehandling

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:: 2019-01-25

Nytt forskningsprojekt om plantskydd

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Publications from the Swedish Hylobius Research Program (1997 – 2018)

Download Publication list (pdf)

International publications

Axelsson, K., Konstanzer, V., Rajarao, G. K., Terenius, O., Seriot, L., Nordenhem, H., Nordlander, G. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. 2017. Antifeedants produced by bacteria associated with the gut of the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Microbial Ecology 74: 177-184. [ABSTRACT]

Azeem, M., Rajarao, G. K., Nordenhem, H., Nordlander, G. & Borg-Karlson, A. K. 2013. Penicillium expansum volatiles reduce pine weevil attraction to host plants. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39: 120-128. [ ABSTRACT ]

Azeem, M., Rajarao, G. K., Terenius, O., Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H., Nagahama, K., Norin, E., & Borg-Karlson, A. K. 2015. A fungal metabolite masks the host plant odor for the pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). Fungal Ecology 13: 103-111. [ FULL TEXT ]

Björklund, N. 2008. Cues for shelter use in a phytophagous insect. Journal of Insect Behavior 21: 9-23. [ABSTRACT][FULL TEXT]

Björklund, N. 2009. Non-destructive tree trunk funnel trap for capturing Hylobius warreni (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) ascending stems of trees. The Canadian Entomologist 141: 422-424. [ABSTRACT] [FULL TEXT]

Björklund, N., Nordlander, G. & Bylund, H. 2003. Host-plant acceptance on mineral soil and humus by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.). Agricultural and Forest Entomology 5: 61-65. [ ABSTRACT ] [ FULL TEXT ]

Björklund, N., Nordlander, G. & Bylund H. 2005. Olfactory and visual stimuli used in orientation to conifer seedlings by the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Physiological Entomology 30: 225-231. [ ABSTRACT ] [ FULL TEXT ]

Björkman, C., Bylund, H., Nilsson, U., Nordlander, G. & Schroeder, L. M. 2015. Forest management to mitigate insect damage in a changing climate. Pp. 248-266 in: Björkman, C. & Niemelä, P. (eds.) Climate Change and Insect Pests. CABI, UK, ix + 266 pp. ISBN-13: 978 1 78064 378 6.

Bohman, B., Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H., Sunnerheim, K., Borg-Karlson, A.-K., & Unelius, C. R. 2008. Structure–activity relationships of phenylpropanoids as antifeedants for the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34: 339-352. [ ABSTRACT ]

Borg-Karlson, A.-K., Nordlander, G., Mudalige, A., Nordenhem, H. & Unelius, C. R. 2006. Antifeedants in the feces of the pine weevil Hylobius abietis: Identification and biological activity. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 943-957. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Bratt, K., Sunnerheim, K., Nordenhem, H., Nordlander, G. & Långström, B. 2001. Pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) antifeedants from lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). Journal of Chemical Ecology 27: 2253-2262. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Bylund, H. , Nordlander, G. & Nordenhem H. 2004. Feeding and oviposition rates in the pine weevil Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 94: 307-317. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Danielsson, M., Kännaste, A., Lindström, A., Hellqvist, C., Stattin, E., Långström, B. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. 2008. Mini-seedlings of Picea abies are less attacked by Hylobius abietis than conventional ones: Is plant chemistry the explanation? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23: 299-306. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Day, K. R., Nordlander, G., Kenis, M. & Halldórson, G. 2004. General biology and life cycles of bark weevils. Chapter 14 (pp. 331-349), in: Lieutier, F., Day, K. R., Battisti, A. Grégoire, J.-C. & Evans, H. F. (eds.). Bark and wood boring insects in living trees in Europe, a synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. [ABSTRACT]

Fedderwitz, F., Björklund, N., Ninkovic, V. & Nordlander, G. 2014. Diel behaviour and time budget of the adult pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Physiological Entomology 39: 103-110. [ABSTRACT]

Fedderwitz, F., Björklund, N., Ninkovic, V. & Nordlander, G. 2015.The structure of feeding behavior in a phytophagous insect (Hylobius abietis). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 155: 229-239. [ABSTRACT]

Fedderwitz, F., Nordlander, G., Ninkovic, V. & Björklund, N. 2016. Effects of jasmonate-induced resistance of conifer plants on the feeding behaviour of a bark-chewing insect, Hylobius abietis. Journal of Pest Science 89: 97-105 [ABSTRACT]

Fedderwitz, F., Björklund, N., Ninkovic, V. & Nordlander, G. 2018. Does the pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) prefer conifer seedlings over other main food sources? Silva Fennica vol. 52(3): article id 9946 (9 pp.). [FULL TEXT]

Hannertz, M., Thorsén, Å., Mattsson, S. & Weslien, J. 2002. Pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage to cuttings and seedlings of Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management 160: 11-17. [ABSTRACT]

Johansson, K., Örlander, G. & Nilsson, U. 2006. Effects of mulching and insecticides on establishment and growth of Norway spruce. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 2377-2385. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Kännaste, A., Nordenhem, H., Nordlander, G. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. 2009. Volatiles from a mite-infested spruce clone and their effects on pine weevil behavior. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 1262-1271. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Kindvall, O., Nordlander, G. & N ordenhem, H. 2000. Movement behaviour of the pine weevil Hylobius abietis in relation to soil type: an arena experiment. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 95: 53-61. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Klingenberg, M.D., Björklund, N. & Aukema, B.H. 2010. Seeing the forest through the trees: differential dispersal of Hylobius warreni Wood within modified forest habitats. Environmental Entomology 39: 898-906. [ABSTRACT] [FULL TEXT]

Legrand, S., Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H., Borg-Karlson, A.-K. & Unelius, C. R. 2004. Hydroxy-methoxybenzoic methyl esters: synthesis and antifeedant activity on the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 59b: 829-835. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Lieutier, F., Day, K. R., Evans, H. F. & Långström, B. 2004. General conclusions and research priorities for BAWBILT organisms in Europe. Chapter 23 (pp. 541-552), in: Lieutier, F., Day, K.R., Battisti, A., Grégoire, J.-C. & Evans, H.F. (eds.). Bark and wood boring insects in living trees in Europe, a synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Lundborg, L., Fedderwitz, F., Björklund, N., Nordlander, G. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. &. 2016. Induced defenses change the chemical composition of pine seedlings and influence meal properties of the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Phytochemistry 130: 99-105. [ABSTRACT]

Lundborg, L., Nordlander, G., Björklund, N., Nordenhem, H. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. 2016. Methyl jasmonate induced monoterpenes in Scots pine and Norway spruce tissues affect pine weevil orientation. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42: 1237-1246. [ABSTRACT]

Långström, B. & Day, K. R. 2004. Damage, control and management of weevil pests, especially Hylobius abietis. Chapter 19 (pp. 415-444), in: Lieutier, F., Day, K.R., Battisti, A., Grégoire, J.-C. & Evans, H.F. (eds.). Bark and wood boring insects in living trees in Europe, a synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Maňák, V., Nordenhem, H., Björklund, N., Lenoir, L. & Nordlander , G. 2013. Ants protect conifer seedlings from feeding damage by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 15: 98-105. [ ABSTRACT ]

Maňák, V., Björklund, N., Lenoir, L. & Nordlander, G. 2015.The effect of red wood ant abundance on feeding damage by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 17: 57-63. [ABSTRACT]

Maňák, V., Björklund, N., Lenoir, L., Knape, J. & Nordlander, G. 2016. Behavioural responses of pine weevils to non-consumptive interactions with red wood ants. Journal of Zoology 299: 10-16. [ABSTRACT]

Maňák, V., Björklund, N., Lenoir, L., & Nordlander, G. 2017. Testing associational resistance against pine weevils mediated by Lasius ants attending conifer seedlings. Journal of Applied Entomology 141: 411-416. [ABSTRACT]

Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H. & B ylund, H. 1997. Oviposition patterns of the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 85: 1-9. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Nordlander, G., Bylund, H., Örlander, G. & Wallertz, K. 2003. Pine weevil population density and damage to coniferous seedlings in a regeneration area with and without shelterwood. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 18: 438-448. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Nordlander, G., Örlander, G. & Langvall, O. 2003. Feeding by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis in relation to sun exposure and distance to forest edges. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 5: 191-198. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Nordlander, G., Bylund, H. & Björklund, N. 2005. Soil type and microtopography influencing feeding above and below ground by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.). Agricultural and Forest Entomology 7: 107-113. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H. & Hellqvist, C. 2009. A flexible sand coating (Conniflex) for the protection of conifer seedlings against damage by the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 11:91-100. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Nordlander, G., Hellqvist, C., Johansson, K. & Nordenhem H. 2011. Regeneration of European boreal forests: Effectiveness of measures against seedling mortality caused by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 2354-2363. [ABSTRACT]

Nordlander, G., Hellqvist, C. & Hjelm, K. 2017a. Replanting conifer seedlings after pine weevil emigration in spring decreases feeding damage and seedling mortality. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 32: 60-67. [ABSTRACT]

Nordlander, G., Mason, E. G., Hjelm, K., Nordenhem H. & Hellqvist, C. 2017b. Influence of climate and forest management on damage risk by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis in northern Sweden. Silva Fennica 51(5): article id 7751 (20 pp.). [ABSTRACT]

Puentes, A., Högberg, K.-A., Björklund, N., & Nordlander, G. 2018. Novel avenues for plant protection: Plant propagation by somatic embryogenesis enhances resistance to insect feeding Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1553 (9 pp. + Appendix). [FULL TEXT]

Petersson, M. & Örlander, G. 2003. Effectiveness of combinations of shelterwood, scarification, and feeding barriers to reduce pine weevil damage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 64-73. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Petersson, M., Örlander, G. & Nilsson, U. 2004. Feeding barriers to reduce damage by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19: 48-59. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Petersson, M., Örlander, G. & Nordlander, G. 2005. Soil features affecting damage to conifer seedlings by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Forestry 78: 83-92. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Petersson, M., Nordlander, G. & Örlander, G. 2006. Why vegetation increases pine weevil damage: Bridge or shelter? Forest Ecology and Management 225: 368-377.  [ABSTRACT]

Sunnerheim, K., Nordqvist, A., Nordlander, G., Borg-Karlson, A.-K., Unelius, C. R., Bohman, B., Nordenhem, H., Hellqvist, C. & Karlén, A. 2007. Quantitative structure–activity relationships of pine weevil antifeedants, a multivariate approach. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 9365-9372. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Terenius, O., Björklund, N., Jaenson, T. G. T. & Nordlander, G. 2014. Premature proposal of the pine weevil as a vector of a human pathogen. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 52: 4115. [ ABSTRACT ]

Thorsén, Å., Mattsson, S. & Weslien, J. 2001. Influence of stem diameter on the survival and growth of containerized Norway spruce seedlings attacked by pine weevils (Hylobius spp.). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 16: 54-66. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Unelius, C. R., Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H., Hellqvist, C., Legrand, S. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. 2006. Structure–activity relationships of benzoic acid derivatives as antifeedants for the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 2191-2203. [ ABSTRACT ]

Unelius, C. R., Bohman, B. & Nordlander, G. 2018. Comparison of phenylacetates with benzoates and phenylpropanoates as antifeedants for the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66: 11797-11805. [ABSTRACT]

von Hofsten, H. & Weslien, J. 2005. Temporal patterns of seedling mortality by pine weevils (Hylobius abietis) after prescribed burning in northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 20:130-135. [ ABSTRACT ]

Wallertz, K. & Malmqvist, C. 2013. The effect of mechanical site preparation methods on the establishment of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in southern Sweden. Forestry 86: 71-78. [ABSTRACT]

Wallertz, K. & Petersson, M. 2011. Pine weevil damage to Norway spruce seedlings: effects of nutrient-loading, soil inversion and physical protection during seedling establishment. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 13: 413-421. [ABSTRACT]

Wallertz, K., Örlander, G. & Luoranen, J. 2005. Damage by pine weevil Hylobius abietis to conifer seedlings after shelterwood removal. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 20: 412-420. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Wallertz, K., Nordlander, G. & Örlander, G. 2006. Feeding on roots in the humus layer by adult pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 8: 273-279. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Wallertz, K., Nordenhem, H. & Nordlander, G. 2014. Damage by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis to seedlings of two native and five introduced tree species in Sweden. Silva Fennica 48(4): article id 1188, 14 pp. [ ABSTRACT ]

Wallertz, K., Hanssen, K. H., Hjelm, K. & Floistad, I. S. 2016. Effects of planting time on pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage to Norway spruce seedlings. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 31: 362-370. [ABSTRACT]

Zas, R., Björklund, N., Nordlander, G., Cendán, C., Hellqvist, C. & Sampedro, L. 2014. Exploiting jasmonate-induced responses for field protection of conifer seedlings against a major forest pest, Hylobius abietis. Forest Ecology and Management 313: 212-223. [FULL TEXT]

Öhrn, P., Klingenberg, M., Hopkins, G. & Björklund, N. 2008 Two non-destructive techniques for determining the sex of live adult Hylobius warreni. The Canadian Entomologist 140: 617-620. [ABSTRACT] [FULL TEXT]

Örlander, G. & Nilsson, U . 1999. Effect of reforestation methods on pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage and seedling survival. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 14: 341-354. [ ABSTRACT ]

Örlander, G. & Nordlander, G. 2003. Effects of field vegetation control on pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage to newly planted Norway spruce seedlings. Annals of Forest Science 60 667-671. [ FULL TEXT ]  

Örlander, G., Nilsson, U. & Nordlander , G. 1997. Pine weevil abundance on clearcuts of different ages: a 6-year study using pitfall traps. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 12: 225-240. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Örlander, G, Nordlander, G., Wallertz, K. & Nordenhem, H . 2000. Feeding in the crowns of Scots pine trees by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 15: 194-201. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Örlander, G., Nordlander, G. & Wallertz, K. 2001. Extra food supply decreases damage by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 16: 450-454. [ ABSTRACT ]  

Doctoral theses

Björklund, N. 2004. Movement Behaviour and Resource Tracking in the Pine Weevil Hylobius abietis. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, Silvestria 302. ISSN 1401-6230. [ LINK ]

Fedderwitz, F. 2014. Pine weevil feeding behavior in relation to conifer plant properties. Doctoral Thesis No. 2014:106, Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. ISSN 1652-6880. [ LINK ]  

Manak, V. 2014. Interactions between ants and pine weevils: Effects on forest regeneration. Doctoral Thesis No. 2014:104, Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. ISSN 1652-6880. [ LINK ]

Petersson, M. 2004. Regeneration Methods to Reduce Damage by Pine Weevil to Conifer Seedlings. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, Silvestria 330. ISSN 1401-6230. [ LINK ]

Wallertz, K. 2009. Pine weevil feeding in Scots pine and Norway spruce regenerations. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae No. 2009: 60. ISSN 1562-6880. [ LINK ]

Licential thesis

Wallertz, K. 2005. Pine weevil Hylobius abietis feeding in shelterwood systems. Licentiate thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden. ISBN 91-576-6875-2. [ LINK ]

Conference abstracts

Björklund, N. 2006. Sensory cues for shelter use. P. 139 in: Proceedings IUFRO Kanazawa 2003 International Symposium “Forest Insect Population Dynamics and host Influences”. Kanazawa University, Japan, 176 pp. [ABSTRACT]

Björklund, N., Nordlander, G., Fedderwitz, F., Ninkovic, V. Lundborg, L., Sampedro, L. & Zas, R. 2015. Improved forest regeneration by triggering the induced defence of conifer seedlings against bark-feeding insects. P 163 in: ISCE2015, International Society of Chemical Ecology, Stockholm, Sweden 29th June – 3rd July, 2015.

Bylund, H., Nordenhem, H. & Nordlander, G. 2006. Is the parasitoid Perilitus areolaris a significant mortality factor for adult pine weevils? P. 144 in: Proceedings IUFRO Kanazawa 2003 International Symposium “Forest Insect Population Dynamics and host Influences”. Kanazawa University, Japan, 176 pp.[ABSTRACT]

Bylund, H., Petersson, M. & Nordlander, G. 2007. Is the pine weevil population density limited by the amount of breeding resources? (Abstract, 1 p.) Programme IUFRO Wien 2007 Symposium “Natural enemies and other multi-scale influences on forest insects”. University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Siences, BOKU-Vienna, Austria.

Fedderwitz, F., Björklund, N., Ninkovic, V. & Nordlander, G. 2012. Pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) feeding pattern on conifer seedlings. P. 333-337 in: Proceedings of Measuring Behaviour 2012, 28-31 August 2012, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 524 pp.

Fedderwitz, F., Björklund, N. & Nordlander, G. 2017. Artificially induced defences against pine weevil damage. P 49, Abstract Book, Joint Meeting of IUFRO WPs 7.03.05 & 7.03.10. 11-15, Forest Insects and Pathogenes in a Changing Environment: Ecology, Monitoring & Genetics, 11-15 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Nordlander, G. 2007. Reproduction of Hylobius abietis in roots of storm-felled trees: Quality determines resource availability. (Abstract of poster, 1 p.) Programme IUFRO Wien 2007 Symposium “Natural enemies and other multi-scale influences on forest insects”. University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Siences, BOKU-Vienna, Austria.

Nordlander, G. 2017. Insecticides are phased out in Swedish forestry – physical protection of seedlings takes over. P 68, Abstract Book, Joint Meeting of IUFRO WPs 7.03.05 & 7.03.10. 11-15, Forest Insects and Pathogenes in a Changing Environment: Ecology, Monitoring & Genetics, 11-15 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Weslien, J. 2004. Apparent genotypic resistance in Norway spruce to feeding by the weevil Hyobius abietis. XXII International Congress of Entomology, 15-21 Aug. 2004 Oral presentations, Abstracts, ISBN 0-646-43816-6, Brisbane Australia.

Zas, R., Björklund, N., Nordlander, G., Cendán, C., Hellqvist, C. & Sampedro, L. 2013. Moving to the field: effective protection of conifer seedlings against a forest pest by eliciting jasmonate-induced resistance. Proceedings: Induced resistance in plants against insects and diseases, Avignon, France, 10-13 June 2013. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 89: 277-281.


Nordenhem, H. & Nordlander, G. 2002. Protection of tree plants. Swedish and EPC Patent 02798893.0-2103-SE0201693. [ LINK ]

Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H., Borg-Karlson, A.-K. & Unelius, R. 2000. Use for conifer sapling protection. Swedish and PCT Patent WO 0056152 A1. [ LINK ]

Sunnerheim, K., Nordlander, G., Bratt, K. Nordenhem, R., Unelius, R. & Borg-Karlson, A.-K. 2002. Use for conifer sapling protection. Swedish and PCT Patent WO 015691 A1. [ LINK ]


Nordlander, G. & Hellqvist, C. Snytbaggen – biologi och aktuell forskning. [ LINK ]